References ========== OpenAPI supports referencing other sections of the schema using *$ref*. OpenAlchemy interprets this by substituting the reference with the referenced schema before constructing. .. seealso:: `OpenAPI $ref Documentation `_ Documentation for the OpenAPI *$ref* directive. :ref:`references` OpenAlchemy documentation for references. Column ------ The following example defines *Id*, *Name* and *Division* schemas which are used for the respective properties of the *Employee* schema: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/column-example-spec.yml :language: yaml :linenos: The following file uses OpenAlchemy to generate the SQLAlchemy models: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/ :language: python :linenos: OpenAlchemy will generate the following typed models: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/ :language: python :linenos: Model ------ The following example defines the schema of an employee in *RefEmployee* and then defines the schema of *Employee* to be the same as *RefEmployee*: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/model-example-spec.yml :language: yaml :linenos: The following file uses OpenAlchemy to generate the SQLAlchemy models: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/ :language: python :linenos: OpenAlchemy will generate the following typed models: .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/ref/ :language: python :linenos: .. seealso:: :ref:`getting-started`